Students arrive at the school with very different Arabic language skills and we plan to accommodate the full range of prior knowledge and understanding. Arabic is taught in Foundation Stage (FS) classrooms, partly by ensuring everyday use of the language in presentations, conversations and display. Young children are introduced to letters and simple words, first through speaking and listening and then in writing and reading. They are encouraged to build very simple sentences and to communicate and role-play in simple situations, such as in school, family, shop and travel settings, and for meetings and greetings.
Our main aim by Year 7 is to ensure students can read and write in the Arabic language (beginner level). The prime goal is for all students to practise speaking and listening in Arabic throughout their primary school experience and to reach at least level A2 on the CEFR. Many students progress towards level B1, which includes (a) understanding main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in school, leisure etc.,(b) dealing with most situations while travelling where the language is spoken, (c) producing connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest, (d) describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and (e) give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
By the end of Year 7, students are able to write a short essay in Arabic that includes personal information such as name, nationality, age, parents’ names, school, the food and drink they like, pets and information about where they live. In Years 8 and 9, the students’ understanding of grammar is developed to include possessives and the conjugation of the present tense. Vocabulary is strengthened so that students learn greetings at different times of the day and can identify parts of the face, school items, rooms in the house and aspects of a daily routine. By the end of Year 9, they should be able to:
They are introduced to restaurants and food items and learn how to express their opinions about likes and dislikes. In Year 9, students are taught the past tense and they learn how to communicate in various situations when travelling in the Middle East. Arabic culture is part of the curriculum in each Key Stage, with children and students encountering resources, visitors and experiences that give insight into home life and leisure, local history, trade and employment, Arabic literature (Adab), art and music. In literature, the students encounter a broad range of writers and works